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It's SHOT, Now What?

Hvordan presenterer og markedsfører du fotografiet ditt? Har du valgt de riktige bildene på nettstedet ditt, har du en tydelig profil på sosiale medier? Kommer du ut til riktig publikum? Hva med priser, opplag, copyright? Hvordan presenterer du arbeid for gallerier, og hvordan forbereder du en portfolio review. Alt dette og mer vil bli besvart på Julie Grahame sin workshop.
Workshopen arrangeres av NORDphotography på foto-senteret SAGA på Inderøy. Workshopen foregår på engelsk:

This workshop is tailored to make you ready for the marketplace of photography, where the focus is to give you enough knowledge to manoeuvre professionally in this business. Whether your focus is commercial photography or fine art photography, Julie will guide you on your way so that your chances of succeeding and reaching your goals, are the very best.

During the course of the workshop you will learn what marketing tools will work for you, what is expected of you when you present work, how to present work in a professional matter, both in print, and digitally, and which venues, galleries, reviews, arenas your work is suited for.

Julie Grahame, who have worked with photographers for 25 years, and is the editor in Chief of aCurator Magazine will teach you how to really look at your work, assessing its strength and weaknesses, and make you analyse what your work is really about. In order to further develop your voice as a photographer, and fine-tune your style and vision, you need to know the roots of your work.

She will give you a realistic look at where and how to market your images, on- and off-line. She will review your website and social media presence, and make suggestions to improve your impact and make sure that your voice is visible in all your presentations. She will also look at editing and sequencing of your work, both on your website and portfolio presentations.

The students will get one-on-one time with Julie to help with any questions and concerns you might have on your work. This is a hands on workshop, where you will leave with a plan for your business and a to do list of improvements. There will be time during the workshop for you to start implementing Julies advice for your work, she might give assignments for you to finish during the week, and creative exercise that will help train your eye in selecting and sequencing work. There will also be group lectures with a strong focus on developing your brand as an creative artist.

I think every photographer should take Julies workshop so you can head out into the world with purpose and clarity - workshop participant 2019

​I've learned so much. All the things I wanted to know + all the things I did not know I needed to know - workshop participant 2019

I attended Julies workshop with the hope of getting direction for my photographic work. And so I did. The workshop gave me a new and more focus direction in addition to tons of practical advice, and a lot of really good stories - workshop participant 2019

NOK 8.900,- (deposit NOK 2.900,-). This does not include travel costs, accommodations or meals.

Workshopen foregår på SAGA senter for Fotografi på inderøy. SAGA er en kreativ oase for fotografer, med workshop senter, hotell, stue med stort fotobok bibliotek, og kjøkken hvor vi serverer frokost og varm lunsj hver dag. Pris for overnatting pr døgn pr person i enkeltrom kr 1290,-/ i delt dobbeltrom kr 1020,-. Prisen inkluder, i tillegg til overnatting, frokost, varm lunsj, kaffe, te og frukt igjennom oppholdet. Overnatting i delt dobbeltrom krever at vi har en annen deltaker av samme kjønn som vil dele rom.

Detaljert workshop beskrivelse her, og påmeldingsskjema til workshopen finner du her: http://www.nordphotography.com/it-s-shot-now-what
Michael Benabib - Julie Grahame
Julie Grahame
Michael Benabib

Varsle Foto.no
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